
notes of dispassion

Friday, April 19, 2002

About THAT CRAZY who crashed into the Pirelli Building...

How tenuous is our collective hold on order? All of a sudden humans on the edge of sociopathy have been given license for crashing planes into buildings and exploding bombs on attached to their bodies. Its a worldwide mob mentality where the floodgates have been opened and there are far too many eager to follow. Granted, psychopath crazies arent a new development. But though humankind hasn't advanced very far (if any) in decency, in modernity it weilds immensely greater power. Its only clearer now - what a fatal, sad combination.

Monday, April 15, 2002

Why purple is such a great color:

Vein black purple that is... None of that halfway, pinkish fuscia excuse for purple. Real purple is rich, cold, substantial, dark, and laden with subtleties. I've been told its a girl's color. Hogwash. Women lack the sophistication to appreciate it. Just kidding. I only play at mysognist.